Mail-bomb suspect displayed rage — and love for Trump — on social media pages

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but something doesn’t smell right to me… How is it that in basically less than a week, this man managed to get himself captured? Not only that, but immediately, within hours everything is known about the man, everything. They already have his high school yearbook picture, they know where he lived, his business, his van, his voter’s registration/political affiliation information – everything. 

Yet here we are, over a year after the Las Vegas shooting, the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, and the only thing known about the shooter is his name and age – nothing else. The man shot several hundred people and killed 58, yet absolutely nothing is known about the guy or his motivation. 

Did law enforcement personnel suddenly become brilliant when a year ago they were supposedly clueless? Was this man’s immediate capture just sheer luck? I don’t believe so. Sorry folks, something just doesn’t add up! TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Yahoo News

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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4 Responses to Mail-bomb suspect displayed rage — and love for Trump — on social media pages

  1. GhostRider says:

    You are absolutely right and I am surprised that you haven’t gotten it, what with your intelligence, but then, you do not process ghostrider logic.

    By how good our FBI is trained and executes an investigation, as just evidenced, it is incredibly clear and without a shadow of a doubt, that the Las Vegas shooting was a government operation. Hell, Bart Kavanaugh was probably found guilty of attempted rape and the FBIs conclusion buried.

    Thanks for connecting the dots for me. We could use in the Resistance. It’s more prestigious than being a cult leader follower.

    -GHOSTRIDER CONSCIOUSNESS – THE RESISTANCE…. that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

    • GhostRider says:


    • Still obsessed with Brett Kavanaugh I see. If ever in the past 50 years there was a pathetic display of deceit and malicious intent on the part of a political party, it is what the democrats did to Kavanaugh. How anyone could be stupid enough to fall for the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford, with that fake, helpless, little girl voice and her selective amnesia is beyond me. Not to mention the other two bimbos with their preposterous claims. But being that you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and are all-in with your hypocritical liberal friends, I understand your lack of objectivity.

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