Joy Behar and the other bimbo (pictured below) are so full of it. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that Trump can say or do that they won’t criticize. They both suffer from acute Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
Why should anyone feel sorry for Christine Blasey Ford? She didn’t put anything on the line because she had nothing to lose. In fact, she’s already received a great deal of compensation for her 2-hour appearance on TV, which was designed to destroy a man’s life. BTW, throughout this charade of a process, she was treated 1000 times better by Republicans than Brett Kavanaugh was by Democrats. So if there is anyone who deserves pity it’s him not her.
Video: YouTube
I would pity him as much as I would pity you or even myself for the outcome in our own lives that came about from the number of times we lied to our wives and/or girlfriends. There is a plethora of games that many men play in that arena but the are played at a costs. In his case, he got away cheap. In our case, as in many men’s cases, not so cheaply.
-GHOSTRIDER CONSCIOUSNESS – THE RESISTANCE… that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.