Where are the honest atheists?

I wonder if these honest atheists, as the author of this article refers to them, in hoping for God to exist, also consider the existence of a fiery furnace of eternal torture for unbelievers, with “whaling and gnashing of teeth,” as described in the Bible? I would think not.

The thought of a celestial father who knows and cares about the life of every single human being who has ever lived is ridiculous beyond description. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: The Week

By Damon Linker | The Week – Fri, Mar 8, 2013


That godlessness might be both true and terrible is something that the new atheists refuse to entertain

Does the world really need another “new atheist” manifesto? Another attack on the ludicrousness of religion and the childishness of belief in God? Another paean to the spiritual and intellectual satisfactions of secularism, materialism, and humanism? Do the efforts of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, the late Christopher Hitchens, and their many lesser imitators really require further reinforcement? British philosopher AC Grayling must think so, since that is precisely what his latest book (The God Question, which will be published on March 26) aims to provide.

Grayling is mistaken. The style of atheism rehearsed in these books has reached a dead end. It’s one thing to catalogue the manifest faults within this or that religious tradition, which the new atheists have ably done… over and over and over again. It’s quite another to claim, as these authors also invariably do, that godlessness is not only true but also unambiguously good for human beings. It quite obviously is not.

If atheism is true, it is far from being good news. Learning that we’re alone in the universe, that no one hears or answers our prayers, that humanity is entirely the product of random events, that we have no more intrinsic dignity than non-human and even non-animate clumps of matter, that we face certain annihilation in death, that our sufferings are ultimately pointless, that our lives and loves do not at all matter in a larger sense, that those who commit horrific evils and elude human punishment get away with their crimes scot free — all of this (and much more) is utterly tragic.

Honest atheists understand this. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed the death of God, but he called it an “awe-inspiring catastrophe” for humanity, which now faced the monumental task of avoiding a descent into nihilism. Essayist Albert Camus likewise recognized that when the longing for a satisfying answer to the question of “why?” confronts the “unreasonable silence of the world,” the goodness of human life appears to dissolve and must be reconstructed from the ground up.

In our own time, physicist Steven Weinberg admits that he is “nostalgic for a world in which the heavens declared the glory of God” and associates himself with the 19th-century poet Matthew Arnold, who likened the retreat of religious faith in the face of scientific progress to the ebbing ocean tide and claimed to detect a “note of sadness” in its “melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.” Weinberg confesses to his own sorrow in doubting that scientists will find “in the laws of nature a plan prepared by a concerned creator in which human beings played some special role.”

The past century has given us many honest atheists, some well known, others less so: the playwrights Eugene O’Neill and Samuel Beckett, aphorist E.M. Cioran, filmmaker Woody Allen. But perhaps the most brutally honest of all was the poet Philip Larkin, whose poems movingly describe the immense psychological struggles that often accompany atheism — an outlook he considered to be both “true” and “terrible.” Religion — “That vast moth-eaten musical brocade / Created to pretend we never die” — used to dispel the terror of annihilation, or at least try to. But Larkin will have none of it. And that leaves him — and us — with no solace or reassurance, confronting the horrifying prospect of a lonely plunge into infinite nothingness: “This is what we fear: no sight, no sound, / No touch or taste or smell, nothing to think with, / Nothing to love or link with, / The anesthetic from which none come round.”

To reject religion does not merely entail facing our finitude without comforting illusions. It also involves the denial of something noble. It is perfectly fitting, Larkin seems to say, for an atheist to lament his lack of belief in a God who bestows metaphysical meaning on the full range of human desires and experiences. As he puts it in the unforgettable closing stanza of “Church Going,” in which the poet ponders the prospect of a world without religion, the empty shell of the church he inspects with “awkward reverence” is, finally, “a serious house on serious earth.” And its seriousness flows from its capacity to serve as a place — perhaps the only place on earth — where “all our compulsions meet / Are recognized, and robed as destinies.”

It is a striking image, capturing at once the dignified beauty of religious ritual and its capacity to conceal the truth under a layer of intricate artifice: The whole point of the liturgy performed on the church altar, Larkin implies, is to seduce us with the beautiful and supremely fulfilling illusion that our worldly compulsions have cosmological meaning and significance. And for Larkin, this longing for our most precious hopes to link up with the order that governs the universe “never can be obsolete.” Which means that this aspect of religion, at least, may very well be too deeply rooted in the human soul ever to be completely purged.

The compassionate generosity and honesty of Larkin’s atheism also infuse a poem titled “Faith Healing,” which reflects on the deepest sources of humanity’s religious impulses. Larkin suggests that human beings are creatures governed by the longing to love — and even more so, by the longing to be loved. It is a need, a hunger that never can be permanently satiated. But religion tries, understanding and responding to this crucially important aspect of humanity perhaps more fully than any other institution or practice. When a preacher looks into the eyes of a suffering parishioner, cradles her head in his hands, and utters “Dear child, what’s wrong?“, Larkin writes, “an immense slackening ache / … Spreads slowly through” her, “As when, thawing, the rigid landscape weeps.” The preacher’s love may be a charade, the loving God that appears to act through him may be a fantasy conjured out of a combination of imagination and spiritual yearning, but in that moment faith has demonstrated its unique capacity to heal the human heart.

That godlessness might be both true and terrible is something that the new atheists refuse to entertain, no doubt in part because they want to sell books — and greeting cards do a brisk business. But honesty requires more than sentimental, superficial happy talk, which is all readers will get from AC Grayling and his anti-religious comrades in arms.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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4 Responses to Where are the honest atheists?

  1. hoboduke says:

    There are 2 camps of atheists as social groups. Any organized religion has people that violate the laws of the land and violate the principles of their particular faith. This proves that since people are human with failures, their unattainable goals are to be mocked and dismissed as nonsense. Any honest serach for “TRUTH” as scientific or philosophical analysis has engaged intellects more brilliant than the majority of our population. I say that the search for higher meanings in our existence is an innate proof that we are more than a mere animal. The concept of a Bill of Rights is to protect the weakest and most vulnerable to have the same protection in our country as the strongest and smartest seems to make no sense if we have no soul from a divine creator. Why bother? Just take what you want, live like a hedonist, and not worry about making any sacrifice.

    • GhostRider says:

      Hobo…The truth of the matter is that we don’t take what we want, we don’t live like hedonists, but not because we have, or don’t have, a soul from a divine creator. Something like a “Bill of Rights” exists because man and man’s consciousness has evolved. If that makes no sense to you, then, hell, use your free will and do whatever the fuck you want – don’t let us stop you. The search for higher meanings in our existence is an innate proof of one thing – that DNA had to write a program, or programs, that would give it the best chance for survival. Here we are…at this very moment in time and space…sharing a qualia from each other consciousness. Hey, it’s programs may not have been perfect and they can be mocked and dismissed ( and I will readily mock all fanatics be them Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, or wood puppets) but like I said, here we are so as far as today, DNA has succeeded. -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

      PS…TGO, many of us, atheists or otherwise, “…in hoping for God to exist…”, may none the less, may not give a fuck about what is described in the Bible, yet still sense there is more behind the curtain than meets the eye.

      • TGO says:

        Agreed. I believe, correctly or incorrectly, that we evolved a need to answer questions of the unknown. And since many answers were unknown (including death) our ancestors made up gods to supply “answers” to those questions. I also believe that as we evolve and no longer need the crutch of religion, or the supernatural, that our genetic make-up will cleanse itself of this now un-necessary need to believe in quackery.

      • hoboduke says:

        The question remains why did men invent God and set about what has become known as “the Bible”? Men are free to choose their own path, so it seems that men need to be under the chain of religion rules for some odd reason. Same thing about marriage, what the heck is that? We constantly want to break the rules and laws that we made anyway. Have you considered that we are free to choose our fate? If you believe in an after life of heaven or hell, then that will become your destiny when your body is decomposing. If you think there is nothing but life today, then the ride ends when your body is decomposing. Atheists are mad at the sociological patterns of humanity to create religions, etc, and being mad about cultures that embrace religion gets your nowhere. Every culture embraces some religion, even if it’s human sacrifice.

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