Canadian’s sexy nun photos spark protests in Spain

How ironic is it that these conservative groups so bluntly criticize the photographs of an artist as blasphemous and profane, yet these same groups are silent when priests put their penises in the mouths and rectum of little boys, or when they rape little girls!

Religious people are the most hypocritical breed of all. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press


Photographs of women posing sexily as nuns at an exhibition in Spain sparked outrage and complaints of blasphemy from Catholic and conservative groups on Thursday.

“Obscenity”, an exhibition of 50 photographs by the Canadian artist Bruce LaBruce, includes a portrait of Spanish actress Rossy de Palma in a black and white habit and see-through corset with a rosary between her teeth.

Another shows Alaska, a singer well known in Spain, dressed as a sexy saint in black with a communion wafer on her tongue.

The show, which opened Thursday at the Fresh Gallery in Madrid, drew condemnation from the Eucharistic Ministry, a Catholic group, which called for a demonstration “against blasphemy” outside the venue on Friday.

It said the protest would be held “in defence of our Christian roots and the Catholic faith”.

“Blasphemous provocation threatens again,” a conservative campaign group, Make Yourself Heard, said on its website.

The Francisco Franco Foundation, a group that campaigns to preserve the memory of Spain’s former dictator, branded the exhibition “a virulent and morbid attack on the Catholic religion”.

LaBruce, 48, whose work has often sparked protests and censorship, wrote on the gallery’s website that “the lives of the saints are full of ecstatic acts of sublimated sexuality”.

“‘Obscenity’ presents a series of portraits that illustrate this most holy convergence of the sacred and the profane.”

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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2 Responses to Canadian’s sexy nun photos spark protests in Spain

  1. where is the video?I like to see them if there is.

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