What a horrible death this little girl must have suffered; but how stupid can adults in these villages be! If they know there are crocodiles in the river, why even allow their children to get near the water? TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press
MAUMERE, Indonesia (AP) — Officials say a crocodile swallowed a girl in Indonesia as her father looked on helplessly.
District official Victor Mado Waton says the 10-year-old girl was searching for turtles with her father and brother in East Nusatenggara province when a giant saltwater crocodile sprang from a river and pulled her in.
Waton said Saturday that villagers found pieces of her clothing several hours later but there was no sign of her body.
Waton said the girl’s father was a few yards (meters) away when the crocodile attacked Thursday but there was nothing he could do.
Last month, a boy was killed by a crocodile in the same river.
Villagers living near the river have reported a loss of livestock in recent weeks as well.