If you recall, democrats were notorious for calling Donald Trump a liar. Trump was arguably the most transparent president in modern history, yet these hypocrites blasted him for lying every chance they had. Fast-forward to Joe Biden, who in less than three months has restricted access to the border by the press and now blatantly lies during press conferences. The latest lie: so-called voter suppression in Georgia.
By the way, just in case you’re not aware, the CEO of Coca-Cola, the CEO of Delta Airlines and the Commissioner of Major League Baseball (MLB) are all spineless *ssholes.
The sad part of all of this is that most individuals who only watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS and the rest of the fake news media outlets (which are many) believe everything they hear. So, in their feeble little minds, the lies become truths. And so, the liberal narrative continues…
Video: YouTube