Tom Perez is just another liberal hack, cut from the same mold as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff. That’s why they suck up to individuals such as the recently elected bimbo trio of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.
The six individuals named above who are undoubtedly Left-Tards, could all be exchanged for their weight in cow manure and their value would be the same.
And as far as cowardice is concerned, here’s one example of it, and it deals with two of the individuals in this list. Chuck Schumer is as Jewish as Jewish can be without being Hasidic (ultra orthodox). One look at him, one sentence uttered, and there is no doubt that he is Jewish. Then you have Ilhan Omar, who repeatedly showed the nation that she was anti-Semitic with her deliberate yet sarcastic statements. Did Chucky utter one word against her views, against her bias, against her prejudice toward the Jewish people? NOTHING, ZILCH, NADA! That my friends, is a coward.
Not shutting up that ignorant blabber mouth (AOC) is cowardly. Not condemning Rashida Tlaib for her vulgarities against the president of this country is cowardly, and not condemning all three of them for supporting people such as Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan is cowardly.
So, Tom Perez, you little weasel of a man, the cowards belong to your immoral party, not to the party of Trump. TGO
Video: YouTube