Why I Support Donald Trump

Here is my response to a comment from GhostRider and Friends (a WordPress.com blog):

You should go to the doctor and have your Trump Derangement Syndrome checked out. I believe it’s getting worse.

Liberals like you don’t seem to understand something quite basic; I don’t need to like a person, or feel that he or she is nice and pleasant, to support them and/or feel as if they’re doing a good job.

I could give you countless examples of this. To name a few…

I believe that Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep are both *ssholes. Yet, I also believe they are incredible actors and thoroughly enjoy their work/movies. I believe that Richard Pryor was a jerk-off and total loser. I also thought he was funny as can be and enjoyed his stand-up routines. I believe that Carlos Santana is the greatest guitarist on the planet and have purchased most of his concert CDs, even though I don’t much care for his politics or lifestyle. I believe that many if not most professional athletes, especially those in football and basketball, are jerks. Yet I still root for them and appreciate their talents. I also believe that Donald Trump is a pompous, arrogant, self-centered, ego-maniac who has more than likely used people most of his life and probably wouldn’t give a stranger the time of day. However, I also believe he is doing a very good job, this DESPITE the absolute resistance from the liberal news media, academia and the Hollywood Left-Tards, not to mention the democrat politicians.

In short, I believe in border control, not in open borders. I believe there are many radical Muslims in the world who want to harm U.S. citizens and therefore I believe in the travel ban. I believe in a good economy. I believe in a low unemployment rate. I believe in making other countries pay their fair share. I believe in FREE SPEECH. I believe in the right to bear arms. I believe in capitalism, not in socialism. I believe that Iran and North Korea have EXTREMELY oppressive governments and as such, unlike Barack Obama, I don’t believe in making “deals” with them. I believe that China has been taking advantage of us for decades and that it’s time we stand up to them. I believe in the Cuban embargo and don’t agree with Barack Obama’s stance on befriending the Castro regime. I believe that what the democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh was an absolute disgrace and totally unjust. I believe that Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are idiots and that most liberals are hypocrites who make claims they don’t back up with action. I believe that the so-called “Russian Collusion” is a hoax (how much longer is Mueller going to dig for evidence?). And finally, I DEFINITELY believe that the liberal media, especially CNN and MSNBC (along with Hollywood) are in the business of FAKE NEWS aimed at relentlessly attacking Donald Trump and his administration and that in doing so they are undermining our country and our democracy in the eyes of the world.

This is why I support Donald Trump. It has nothing to do with the person, but rather with his agenda; I can separate the two.



About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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