It is always these low-lives such as Megan Rapinoe and the Looney-Tunes leftists who somehow want to make a statement that they are entitled to so much more just because they feel marginalized. Sorry Megan, the fact that you’re gay doesn’t mean that you are entitled to more money.
Not to take anything away from women (I love women) and am the father of two girls; the fact is that men’s sports generate a great deal more money than women’s sports. And if you want to know why… just put a woman against a man in any sport. Now, put up a dozen or so men against a dozen or so women, and the men’s dominance is increased twenty-fold. This is why boxing, football, soccer, baseball, tennis, golf, and even CHESS is dominated by men! Nothing against you ladies… men are just stronger, faster, more aggressive, more athletic, and more physical in every regard than women. As a result, men’s sports are much more exciting, and therefore draw more crowds, TV revenues, etc.
Anyway, this woman is getting much more airtime than she deserves. She’s basically a dime a dozen. She couldn’t qualify for a high school men’s team. So, she should just be glad she made her millions. And BTW, next time she hears the National Anthem, she should stand up, not kneel as the hypocritical scum she is! A great many men and women have died so that she can have the privilege of representing the country they gave their lives for!!!
Video: YouTube