Jason Reveals the Far-Left’s Achilles’ Heel

Ah yes – the woke, the left, the far left, liberals, democrats, left-tards, progressives, cancel culture… most of these terms are interchangeable, and most more or less define the same mindset. Most can also nowadays be described as idiotic, ignorant and lazy, at least in my view.

Many of the people who fall into one of these “categories” simply watch CNN from time to time, or read the headlines on Google or Yahoo, etc. They read or watch a few headlines and actually believe the garbage they’re being fed. They’re what I refer to as the ignorant masses.

Then there are those who fall into one of these “categories” who actually (and wrongfully) consider themselves to be intellectuals. I have a close friend who fits this bill. He’s an elementary school teacher. He’s not particularly good in math, or science or writing skills, but he pretty much stays up to speed with politics. He’s kind of like the Juan Williams of Fox News, except he’s white. He primarily watches CNN and from time to time will also watch other media outlets, except he will never watch Fox. He actually doesn’t want to know anything that might sway his views on politics, so he purposely avoids Fox News.

Personally, I don’t believe our society will ever lean back toward center, much less the right. I believe the pendulum has swung left and is picking up steam to the point of no return. In that sense, I don’t agree with Jason, the individual who created this video. Only time will tell…

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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