What I find not only sad but disturbing with this entire witch hunt, which has turned out to be quite a debacle for the democrats is that these people on the Left; the politicians, the media, Hollywood and the average “progressive” citizen, etc. wanted Trump to fail. These people are actually enraged that Donald Trump was not indicted for crimes against the United States. Think about that for a minute. Democrats would have rather known that the president of the country was a traitor, a Russian spy (as many on CNN and MSNBC alleged) than innocent of these charges. If this doesn’t describe the level of hatred, lack of patriotism and immorality of the Left, nothing does.
But wait, it will only get worse for the democrats. Because there is no question that the attorney general will fully investigate the Obama administration, the FBI, CIA and others for spying on the Trump campaign. This entire, conspired attempt to destroy Trump will cause the destruction of several people on the Left. TGO
Video: YouTube