These morons continue to talk gun control. And naturally, there is CNN with Anderson Cooper to push the liberal agenda.
I wonder what Trump was supposed to do? By the way, what did Barack Obama do?
I’m not a member of the NRA, but why is it that every time someone gets shot, it’s time to blast the NRA?
These are the same people who when a Muslim terrorist blows himself up and kills 30 or 40 innocent people (including children) or when he plows through a crowd with a rented vehicle and kills a dozen people, they say: “we can’t Islam”. Hypocrites!!! TGO
Refer to story below. Source: HuffPost
Former astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of shooting survivor and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), accused President Donald Trump Friday of capitulating to the National Rifle Association after the Parkland school shooting and doing nothing for America’s children.
After a shooter killed 10 people Friday in Santa Fe, Texas, the president “talked about how it’s been going on too long,” Kelly told Anderson Cooper on CNN. “I think we all know that,” he added.
Trump promised big changes after the February shooting in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed.
Trump “spoke very pointedly to a number of U.S. senators and said that they were scared of the NRA and maybe he would have to be the person [to strengthen] background checks,” Kelly said. “That was Tuesday. By Thursday, he’d completely lost interest. And about two months later, he was the speaker at the NRA convention in Dallas.”
Cooper referred to a statistic reported Friday by The Washington Post that more people have been killed in U.S. schools this year than people serving in the military.
Kelly responded: “It’s ridiculous that these kids have to live in a country, these kids in Santa Fe or in Parkland or 22 other places around the country just this year alone, that they have to assume that kind of risk when they go to school.”
He added: “To see our elected leaders do nothing over and over again, it’s just an incredibly sad situation.”
Check out the rest of what Kelly had to say in the video above.
This article originally appeared on HuffPost.