Mike Ditka hasn’t seen social injustice the last 100 years

Mike Ditka is wrong, but so are the black players who all seem to ignore one crucial fact: black on black murder is far, far, far greater than all the so-called police brutality out there; and it isn’t even close!!!

All of this sitting and kneeling during the national anthem is total crappola. It’s about time that blacks START taking responsibility for their own actions and STOP blaming white people!

Were the Founding Fathers slave owners? YES. Has there been racial injustice in this country? YES. Are there still racists out there, particularly in the South? YES. 

Having said that, at some point blacks need to stop all the whining and take responsibility for their actions. All the gang-related crime, drug abuse, violence, etc. that goes on in every black neighborhood in every major city in America cannot be 100% the fault of white people! At some point blacks need to stop using the race-card as an excuse for all that is wrong in the United States. 

And don’t be fooled if you’re black. What Colin Kaepernick started, and what white players and NFL owners have perpetuated, is for the most part not sincere. They, as well as you (blacks) know that there is enough blame to go around. All they’re doing is playing the politically-correct-card. This is why I say that nothing positive has been accomplished by any of this, quite the contrary. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: NBC Sports

Darin Gantt,ProFootball Talk on NBC Sports


About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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