Iraq: Key figures since the war began

Statistics on the war in Iraq… TGO

Refer to information below. Source: Associated Press

By The Associated Press The Associated Press


October 2007: 170,000 at peak of troop buildup.

Jan. 31, 2010: 102,000.


Confirmed U.S. military deaths as of Feb. 1, 2010: at least 4,375.

Confirmed U.S. military wounded (hostile) as of Jan. 29, 2010: 31,639.

Confirmed U.S. military wounded (non-hostile, using medical air transport) as of Jan. 2, 2010: 37,732.

U.S. military deaths for January 2010: 5, up slightly from December, which was 3 and the lowest monthly death toll since the war began in March 2003.

Deaths of civilian employees of U.S. government contractors as of Dec. 31, 2009: 1,459.

Iraqi deaths in January 2010 from war-related violence: at least 177, down significantly from last month’s 383, and the second lowest monthly figure since The Associated Press began tracking Iraqi deaths in May 2005.

Assassinated Iraqi academics as of Jan. 7, 2010: 432.

Journalists killed on assignment as of Feb. 1, 2010: 140.


Nearly $704 billion, according to the National Priorities Project. This figure is less than their figure of last month, nearly $715 billion, because, according to their Web site, “due to lower 2010 appropriations for Iraq the estimated cost of war in Iraq decreased since our last update.”


Prewar: 2.58 million barrels per day.

Jan. 27, 2010: 2.48 million barrels per day.


Prewar nationwide: 3,958 megawatts. Hours per day (estimated): 4-8.

Jan. 26, 2010: Nationwide: 5,905 megawatts. Hours per day: N/A.

Prewar Baghdad: 2,500 megawatts. Hours per day: 16-24.

Jan. 26, 2010: Baghdad: N/A. Hours per day: N/A.


Prewar land lines: 833,000.

Jan. 30, 2010: 1.25 million

Prewar cell phones: 80,000.

Jan. 30, 2010: nearly 19.5 million.


Prewar: 12.9 million people had potable water.

Jan. 30, 2010: More than 21.2 million people have potable water.


Prewar: 6.2 million people served.

Oct. 12, 2009: 11.5 million people served.


Prewar: 1,021,962.

Jan. 2010: Approximately 1.5 million people are currently displaced inside Iraq.


Prewar: 500,000 Iraqis living abroad.

Jan. 2010: Approximately 2.3 million Iraqis, most in Syria and Jordan.

All figures are the most recent available.

Sources: The Associated Press, State Department, Defense Department, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, The Brookings Institution, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Committee to Protect Journalists, National Priorities Project, The Brussels Tribunal, The RAND Corporation and the U.S. Department of Labor.


AP news researchers Julie Reed and Rhonda Shafner compiled this report.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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