America Shouldn’t Apologize for Burning One Quran

Great article; I couldn’t agree with it more…

The problem is that unfortunately there is a general tendency on the part of good, decent people to treat thugs and misfits with kid gloves. It seems the more belligerent, obnoxious, aggressive and despicable individuals are, the more fairly they are treated. And since there is no collective group of people on this planet who better fit the aforementioned description than Muslims, they as a whole are treated better than most other groups of individuals. But let’s not forget reality, and the reality is that regardless of how fairly they are treated, the bottom line is they are still assholes.

Living in this politically-correct society we live in, with the countless Muslim apologists in our midst, it’s of no surprise to me that the United States apologized for burning that worthless book, the Koran. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if we establish a printing press in Kabul for the sole purpose of printing copies of the Koran and then force each of our soldiers in Afghanistan to carry one at all times! TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Yahoo

Yahoo! Contributor NetworkBy Andrew Riggio | Yahoo! Contributor Network

COMMENTARY | The Associated Press reports that after it was discovered a Quran had been burned in a trash pile, the White House issued an apology for the act. Press Secretary Jay Carney said it does not reflect the respect the U.S. military has for Islam. It strikes me as cowardly and unrealistic to apologize for the burning of this book.

The Quran instructs Muslims on how to live. It is from this book they learn martyrs go to heaven, are greeted with eternally virgin sex slaves and get to bring their best friends and family along for the trip to paradise.

That’s what makes Muslim zealots to become willing to strap explosives to their bodies and blow up trains, fly aircraft into skyscrapers and commit other acts of suicidal and explosive destruction. They take other unwilling people with them on the journey to the grave. The Quran is no different than any form of psychological indoctrination that trains suicide squads.

The Japanese kamikaze pilots were similarly indoctrinated. Would we have any qualms about burning the materials used to teach them to throw their lives away in an attempt to take as many people with them as possible? Their indoctrination was based on the religious belief the Emperor was God. In that sense their indoctrination materials were religious, yet I can see no reason to avoid destroying them.

Also recall the Japanese only flew their suicide aircraft into military targets at sea. They did not fly planes into office buildings. America dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese. That didn’t just burn holy books it burned people, buildings and Shinto temples. Did the president apologize for having incinerated Shinto shrines?

The Afghans, who were upset by the burning of one book, should carefully consider their situation. If they want others to respect their holy book, a good first step might be to stop using it as a justification for what the rest of the world calls terrorist bombing.

Until that time its status as a holy book is merely a spiritual issue. Its status as a tool for creating suicide troops is a real world concern of greater importance. The American government should not apologize for one accidental burning until the Muslim world apologizes for thousands of intentional bombings.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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