One should never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate, but when talking about those living in ultra-conservative states, that statement takes on a much broader significance. These people are just plain dumb… Just imagine, wanting to vote for a ding-bat such as Sarah Palin for president! That’s about as dumb as one could get. TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press
By THOMAS BEAUMONT – Associated Press | AP
INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) — Cheers of “Run Sarah, Run” greeted Sarah Palin at a tea party rally in Iowa, but the former Alaska governor still isn’t saying whether she’s going to jump into the 2012 presidential race.
Palin did have harsh words Saturday for President Barack Obama and the direction that she says the country has taken in his first term.
She says “America is hurting” and at “a tipping point” due to “failed policies and incompetent leadership.”
The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee says the crisis runs deeper than the fear of double-dip recession or “the shame of a credit downgrade.”
She says this crisis “will relentlessly rage until we do restore all that is free and good and right about America.”