Although I have changed my original position on the use of full-face veils and now believe that women should be allowed to wear burqas should they so desire, when I see a woman wearing one of these ‘cloth bags’ I can’t help but think just how f*cked up religious people are. And with respect to this particular issue, I wonder which individual is more corrupted by religion, the man who imposes this form of dress on the woman, or the woman who accepts it and fights to continue the custom?
I know, I know, moderate Christians and religious moderates in general believe that their “style” of faith is fine, because they don’t go to these extremes; but that misses the point. The reason religious moderates don’t go to these extremes is because they pick and choose those parts of the faith they choose to follow and those they wish to ignore. The problem with this is that the main monotheistic religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism all get their religion from “holy books” – the Bible and Koran. These books are not only filled with myths and superstitions, but also promote all kinds of deviant behavior that is totally unacceptable in today’s world; such as killing one’s own children for disobedience, stoning a woman to death if she has pre-marital sex (even if the “sex” is the result of rape), the keeping of slaves, etc. Accepting any of the doctrines of the Bible or Koran, books written by barbaric and ignorant men, makes no sense whatsoever! Furthermore, there are always going to be religious fanatics, such as radical Muslims, who follow these books to the letter of the word, and we all know the problem with this kind of thinking.
The bottom line is that religions are corrupt at their very core. I invite those of you who don’t believe this to read the Bible and/or Koran and if you still disagree with me, write me a comment and tell me why I’m wrong. TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press
MADRID (AFP) – Spain’s government plans to ban the use of the Islamic burqa in public places under a proposed new law on religious freedom, the justice minister said Tuesday.
“We believe that there are things like the burqa which are hard to reconcile with human dignity and which especially pose problems of identification in public places,” Francisco Caamano told reporters.
The burqa is a body-covering Islamic garment worn by women.
The new law “will have to include measures on these symbols which impede identification in public places” for reasons of “security”, Caamano said.
The Socialist government announced in 2008 it was preparing a “religious freedom” law which would ensure respect for religious pluralism, in a country which is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic.
The law would also ban the display of crucifixes in schools, the newspaper El Pais said Sunday.
His remarks came a day after the mayor of Barcelona, Jordi Hereu, announced it would be the first large city in Spain to ban the use of the full-face Islamic veil in public buildings.
Two other towns in the northeastern region of Catalonia, Lerida and El Venrell, have recently imposed bans on the use of the Islamic veil in public buildings.
Two more, Tarragona and Gerona, are considering similar measures, as is Coin in the southern region of Andalucia.
Immigration from Muslim countries has soared in Spain since the 1990s, with Catalonia in particular being home to a large community of Pakistani origin.
There are now about one million Muslims among Spain’s population of 47 million.
Last month, lawmakers in Belgium approved a draft law to ban the wearing of the Muslim full-face veil in public places, including streets — creating a controversial first for Europe, although it is still subject to a senate vote.
Debate is raging in France as well, where the cabinet has approved a draft law to ban the Muslim full-face veil from public spaces, opening the way for the text to go before parliament in July.