Gored Spanish bullfighter suffering infection

Isn’t it about time that this senseless and brutish spectacle, invented by the blood-thirsty Spaniards, be outlawed? TGO

Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press

MADRID – A Madrid hospital says Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio has returned to intensive care and is fighting an infection after a horrific goring in the throat by a bull.

Aparicio had left the unit and was recovering well on Monday following surgery to reconstruct his throat, mouth and palate, but outbreak of an infection forced a return to the unit where doctors placed him on mechanically assisted breathing, October 12 Hospital said.

In a statement released Saturday the hospital says Aparicio is now breathing normally and it describes his condition as “grave” but stable.

The matador slipped in a bullring, fell to the ground and a 1,168 pound (530-kilogram) bull drove his right horn through Aparicio’s throat and out his mouth.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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