California mass exodus is real: Donald Luskin

To say that those who make up the far-left, the ultra-left, the woke crowd, the liberal mob, the progressives… (whatever people choose to call them) are imbeciles is to give them a compliment while insulting imbeciles!

This group of people are basically morons, and that too, is a compliment! These are the people who have no common sense. They are the people who try to “help” the homeless by providing them with free PLASTIC syringes while simultaneously banning PLASTIC straws to save the environment!!! Can people actually be this stupid? Yes, the politicians in California can, and are!

Here’s another “brilliant” idea from these numb-nuts. They are hoping to “curb” crime by reducing the severity of the charges for those stealing goods valued at less than $950! Really? This policy goes hand-in-hand with ‘no cash bail’. First you incentivize stealing by reducing the penalty, then you let the criminals out of jail without posting bail! Can people actually be this stupid? Yes, the politicians in California can, and are!

The problem is that it is no longer just California. Grant it, the three states on the west coast – Washington, Oregon and California are already a lost cause, they are too far gone to be saved! But this liberal malaise is taking over other parts of the country, especially in major cities. New York, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, just to name a few of these places… are reaching epidemic proportions in terms of lawlessness, crime, murder, etc. Yet, the ignorant masses continue to elect these brain-dead progressive leaders so they can run their cities and states into the ground. BRILLIANT!

In terms of Omicron and COVID in general… I personally haven’t paid any attention to our “leaders”, and especially to Dr. Fauci, for months. These people are clueless. If they know anything at all (which is doubtful) they aren’t telling us. All they do is flip-flop while relentlessly trying to instill fear on the masses in order to control us. I, for one, am not buying it.

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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