Good job America, you voted for a lying senile buffoon. This is understandable however, as the democrat voting block is basically a shameless conglomerate of left-wing zealots who for the most part simply follow the sick rhetoric of their leaders.
All democrats do is complain about the United States in order to turn this country into another Cuba or Venezuela; but just look at how well those socialist countries are doing.
The United States has been the greatest country in the history of our planet yet somehow, all of a sudden, it is one of the worse in the eyes of the Left. The funny thing is that millions of people throughout the world would give a limb to be here. One never sees people crossing the border from the U.S. to Mexico. One never sees boats sailing from Florida to Cuba. Migration is always toward the United States not away from it. If this is such a horrific, racist country as portrayed by the morons on the Left, why is that?
Liberals are sick individuals who get caught up in the lies and frenzy of their party. They want to turn America into the sewage pit that they’ve turned their liberal cities into; a place riddled with crime, the homeless, with streets wreaking of urine and feces, a rat-infested lawless haven where hundreds of thousands of people are living dependent on the government for handouts.
Do us all a favor and find that perfect utopia you envision in your feeble little brains and go there. Just leave us the hell alone, and take the lying puppet you elected with you!
Video: YouTube