Very clever and very on point video.
The liberal mob set out to remove Trump from office and actually made it happen. They had a few advantages; on their side were the liberal media hacks, the Hollywood cretins, the indoctrinated youth, and last but not least – the Leftists’ immorality.
I can assure you this with absolute certainty. If Joe Biden would have been president in 2020, there would be no vaccine, COVID-19 deaths would have at least doubled, small businesses would have all but disappeared, schools would still be shut down, unemployment would be near if not at 50% and our economy would have been in absolute shambles.
Love him or hate him, we ALL have to be grateful that it was Donald Trump who was occupying the White House and not the current bumbling buffoon named Joe Biden.
As for Fauci, he may be a fine doctor, but he’s a flip-flopping, attention-thirsty weasel.
Video: YouTube