How Bernie Set The Stage For The Shut-Down

This is all so true. This shut-down of basically the entire country, is right up the alley of the liberals in this country, who all look up to Bernie the Bolshevik and government hand-outs.

The old saying: “Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true” is going to bite every one of these communist-minded fools right in the ass. Unfortunately, its also going to severely sting those of us who firmly stand behind capitalism as the only viable economic/political system. TGO

Video: YouTube



About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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