Chuck & Nancy Spew Straight LIES After Trump’s Border Speech

Hypocrite No. 1 and Hypocrite No. 2 address the nation in zombie-like fashion with nothing but lies. TGO

Video: YouTube

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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2 Responses to Chuck & Nancy Spew Straight LIES After Trump’s Border Speech

  1. mapsguy1955 says:

    I guess you are preaching to nobody my friend. I don’t see any comments. The only lies are being spewed by those people you are quoting. A wall is a purely political attempt to create a legacy and a diversion from what is going to come after him. Sadly, we are heading to the most unAmerican ending possible, if this sham presidency continues.

    • I’m not preaching, just expressing my point of view. I also wouldn’t say that you’re nobody. After all you’re commenting on what I’m writing, so somebody is responding. Anyway, I’ve learned that many people read and listen but few participate. It’s human nature.

      If “a wall is a purely political attempt to create a legacy and a diversion…” as you stated, why did Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer ALL talk about the need for a physical barrier before Donald Trump ever became president? Additionally, why did the walls that currently exist get erected in the first place? Certainly Trump had nothing to do with it?

      It’s easy to call the presidency a sham, but those words have no substance. Without an explanation as to why Trump’s presidency may be a sham the statement has little or no credibility. Just saying something doesn’t make it so.

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