Thanks to “liberals”, free speech is quickly becoming a thing of the past

It truly is amusing how the Left-Tards have adopted the words “liberal” and “progressive” to describe themselves and their political views. The truth of the matter is that these people are actually intolerant and narrow-minded, in addition to a few choice adjectives which I will refrain from mentioning here.

Anyway, university administrators and professors alike are really doing a number on today’s youth. By that I mean that not only are they burdening students with outrageous costs for tuition and books, but in addition they are basically indoctrinating them, not educating them. 

There is no problem with being left of center. But to actually boycott speakers who express different ideas or points of view, or worse yet, physically attack them and those who support them is criminal behavior. Yet, university staff are doing nothing about this growing trend. Ironically, these are the same people who call Trump supporters haters, racists and Nazis.

Refer to videos below for examples of this kind of behavior and commentary by objective observers of this disturbing trend. TGO

Protesters confront scholar at Middlebury College

Video: YouTube

The “Stunning Fragility” & Vindictive Political Correctness of Today’s Students – Jonathan Haidt

Video: YouTube

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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