What The Bernie Sanders Amazon Welfare Fight Is Really About

Bernie Sanders, the socialist/communist we’ve all come to know and dislike, is obsessed with taking money from wealthy people; sounds like jealousy to me.

As I’ve posted before on this Blog, people such as Jeff Bezos employ tens of thousands of people. Those people in turn spend millions of dollars on the economy doing every day transactions (buying groceries, purchasing goods, etc.) AND paying taxes. This is what capitalism is all about; private enterprise.

Bernie Sanders on the other hand, produces nothing, employs no one, does NOTHING to stimulate the economy. In fact, people like him (politicians) are a liability not an asset to society. All he wants to do is tell people how they need to spend their money, by raising their taxes, forcing them to pay higher wages, more benefits, etc.

Business owners pay what the market will bear, period. If a person has 50 employees and can pay them an average of $25/hour, that individual isn’t going to pay them an average of $50/hour, as that leaves less profit for him or her, the owner of the business. Remember, the owner of the business is the one who had the foresight and took the initiative to open the business and is the one taking all the risks. That’s why he or she should profit the most.

Anyway, it all boils down to hypocrisy on Bernie’s part. I’m sure that when Bernie Sanders goes to make a purchase he doesn’t say to the salesperson: “You want $1500.00 for this leather couch, I think it’s worth more than that, I’ll give you $1800.00, and here’s an extra $200 for you.


Refer to story below. Source: HuffPost

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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