Texas billboard tells liberals to keep driving until they leave the state

This is way too cool… TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Fox News

a sign on a dry grass field: A billboard on Interstate 40 in Texas tells liberals to to keep driving until they leave the state. 
A billboard in Texas made waves on social media Tuesday after its message was posted online.

“Liberals,” the billboard reads. “Please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS.”

A photo of the sign was posted to Facebook by Kyle Mccallie, of Fritch. He wrote the billboard was six miles east of Vega, a city roughly 35 miles west of Amarillo, on the eastbound side of the highway.

Mccallie’s post, which was uploaded earlier Tuesday, had more than 8,000 shares as of Tuesday night.


About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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