Pope to meet with cardinals investigating leaks

The Catholic Church is quite a joke; a bad joke. It is also corrupt and hypocritical to no end. TGO

Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press

Associated PressAssociated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI is getting a briefing from the three cardinals he appointed in April to investigate a series of leaked Vatican documents that have cast a poor light on the top governance of the Catholic Church.

The cardinals were given a broad mandate to interview Vatican officials across the board to get to the bottom of the leaks and report back to the pope. They are working separately from a criminal probe headed by the pope’s top bodyguard, a former Italian secret service agent who heads the Vatican police force.

So far only one person has been arrested in the case: the pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, a 46-year-old father of three has been accused of aggravated theft after reams of papal documents were found in his Vatican City apartment.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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