Restaurant Sends Unruly Tots and Their Parents Outside

Right on! I couldn’t agree more with the author of this article; and I applaud the owner of the restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia!

There is nothing more annoying than kids roaming wild inside a restaurant while their comatose parents stuff their faces, oblivious to what’s going on around them. These are the parents whose kids grow up with little or no discipline and become rude, obnoxious adults, and obviously produce the same type of children that they were; it’s a vicious cycle that’s rarely broken.

Common sense is one of those things that people either have or they don’t, and unfortunately many people simply don’t have enough of it to consider teaching their children discipline. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Yahoo

Yahoo! Contributor NetworkBy Roy Branson | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Fri, Feb 24, 2012

COMMENTARY | Grant Central Pizza of Atlanta, Georgia has finally done the unforgivable — they have printed a disclaimer upon their menus asking parents to remove their unruly children from the restaurant. Why is this so unforgivable? Because in this modern age, no one is allowed to notice, let alone comment upon, children causing a disruption. Walk into a Wal-Mart at any time of the day or night and you will hear a cacophony of screams coming from children scattered around the store. Like sirens they blare unhindered by the apparently deaf parents.

When did such total lack of social consideration become our sentence? My father informs me I threw a temper tantrum once in public only once. I don’t remember it, nor do I know what happened afterward, but I grew up knowing public displays of temper, aggression, or screeching were prohibited.

In recent years I have become a practical recluse in attempt to avoid shrieks of children in restaurants and theaters. If I am having a meal with friends and I have to shout over howling children or dodge projectiles lobbed at my head I am unlikely to return to an establishment that attracts such clientele. I was in a Trader Joe’s recently and had to escape when I could no longer navigate around the toddlers with their individual carts and their middle aged mothers who didn’t think it necessary to keep traffic flowing.

I am sorry our nation has become so obtuse that the rights of the inadequate parent supersede that of everyone else. I live in a state that no longer permits smoking in any public building, yet I can tolerate cigarette smoke better than the raucous bellow of uncontrolled children. If this restaurant has decided to answer to the needs of the majority of their patrons and preserve an enjoyable dining experience I applaud them. In fact, I would applaud such a thing becoming standard in restaurants and theaters all over the nation. But why should a place of business have to publish such a request? It should be common sense, and at one time it was. Let’s go back to a time when we actually respected one another and trained our children to do the same.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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5 Responses to Restaurant Sends Unruly Tots and Their Parents Outside

  1. GhostRider says:

    The GhostRider’s World is one of logic and relativity, not absolute truth. As easily as one can say, “I sure went through an awful lot of trouble to try and prove a point”, one can say, “You sure went through an awful lot of trouble to have a blog that’s gotten more than half a million hits.” The logic in my case is that it’s no trouble, it’s fun to prove my point. I hope it’s the same in your case. -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  2. GhostRider says:

    As a free thinker, I ask not forgiveness for my thoughts to either fellow man nor any God. Regardless, God does not play a role in family restaurants, kids do! What is interesting is the following sampling of Grant’s Pizza neighborhood patron comments:

    -AdmiralBallsack Atlanta TriviaHost…”I live a block away. First off, Dakota Blue across the street is worse. Seriously though, if I’m going to sit down for dinner at Grant Central, I make sure that it’s after 7:30. It’s a good place though, and neighborhood joints like this deserve your business”

    -ProbablyJustArguing Metro Atlanta…”Their food is not great. Good brunch but the selling point is the kids thing. We don’t go there much anymore, because we moved further north, but I do have to say, it was nice to go there with the kids and be able to loosen up a bit. Most times we’ve been there, there have literally been kids swinging from the rafters, so it was nice to be able to relax and realize that there was nothing that our kids could do that would make them the worst kids in the room. It’s a good feeling,”

    count_schemula Mid Town…”If you don’t want to have the wild child experience – and they do run wild while there while the parents grab the only peace they will get all day over a glass or two of wine, don’t get pizza from 6pm to 8pm. Fat chance Grant Central enforces it beyond printing the disclaimer. Like I said, kids are sacred there. All hell would break loose.

    ProbablyJustArguing Metro Atlanta…”Dakota Blue across the street, Takes the family experience a little further. I think they kind of support Romper Room over there. They put out toys that make noise, toys that are for swinging around and the like. I think they’re trying to create a place where they encourage you to let your kids run wild. If you don’t have kids, I don’t know why you’d ever go there.”

    Apparently, the GhostRider has not cornered the market in logic as there seems to be citizens out there that can think logically too. As for the owner of Grants Pizza, he probably put the disclaimer to appease the few politically correct and socially maladapted adults, that frequent the place and are a pain in his ass. As for Roy Branson, hey, for all we know, the dude is some single male pedophile who gets off going to family restaurants and got angry one night cause the kids noise was breaking his fantasy concentration while catching a glimpse of some little girls pretty pink panties.

    As for myself, you’ll not see my face under the pale moon light, at a family restaurant again, unless some chick forgets to use birth control and gets into a pool with me, but I am a ride and let ride kind of soul
    GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

    • TGO says:

      You sure went through an awful lot of trouble to try and prove a point. My point still stands; I can’t stand kids acting like baboons in restaurants while their comatose parents stuff their faces. Ever heard of parks and playgrounds?

  3. GhostRider says:

    Logic dictates that a coin has two sides. On one side a nation’s people straps on a dynamite vest – disciplined or unruliness? On the other side a nation’s people apologizes for burning Korans – disciplined or unruliness? The GhostRider is not hip to what his parental units programmed him with and instead, being the free thinker he is, has discovered a consciousness that can discipline itself in becoming oblivious to even the sounds of someone’s loud obnoxious radio playing near him at the beach and without a shadow of a doubt, would have enjoyed Grant Central Pizza’s antipasto and a pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni, whether he was the only patron at the time and eating in total silence or had it been in standing room only while he ate, to the background of an un-orchestrated cacophony of audio whiplash. Becoming a recluse, as the author of the article states, because the world around you is the way that it is instead of the way you wanted it, is a sign of conscious weakness and maybe even social mental illness.
    -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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