Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths

I agree that the pastor is not responsible for the deaths at the United Nations headquarters in Afghanistan. The actions of one individual halfway across the globe did not cause religious freaks in a country of religious freaks to kill innocent people. All these radical Muslims need is an excuse to destroy innocent lives. Having said that, the pastor is an idiot. This entire episode has been nothing but orchestrated propaganda for his redneck, Christian church. The only difference between fanatical Christians and fanatical Muslims is that the former are more civilized while the latter are more barbaric. But in essence both groups are the same in that they passionately cling to their own brand of superstition, which basically governs their lives.

The bottom line is that neither the Koran nor the Bible are worth the paper they’re printed on. The world would be a much better place without either of these books or the religions they represent. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press

Fri Apr 1, 7:13 pm ET

GAINESVILLE, Florida (AFP) – An evangelical pastor whose church burned a Koran last month said he was “devastated” but did not feel responsible for the killings Friday of seven UN workers in a violent protest in Afghanistan.

“We are devastated by that information, that news,” Terry Jones, the head of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, told AFP. “We don’t feel responsible for that.”

The United Nations said four Nepalese guards, three foreign UN workers, and several protesters were killed when a mob enraged by the Koran burning attacked the UN compound in the Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

Jones presided over the burning of the Islamic holy book March 20 at his Florida church, an act he had long threatened despite warnings it would put American troops and others in Afghanistan in danger.

“The radical element of Islam takes that as an excuse to promote their violent activities,” Jones said Friday. “What we would like to see is the United States government standing up, the UN standing up.

“It’s time to stop ignoring the violence going on in Muslim countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan,” he said.

Jones said the killings “won’t change anything we’re doing” but added that there’s no plan to burn another Koran.

“We have, right now, no plans, no,” he told AFP when asked if he will burn another Koran.

“It is not part of our agenda to go around the country burning Korans.”

Don Northrup founded the church “in the living room of his home” in 1986 in Gainesville, according to the church’s website. Members raised $150,000 to build the church in its current location.

Northrup died in 1996 and Jones took over several years later.

The church’s website encourages visitors to donate money and offers for sale coffee mugs, t-shirts and caps — all featuring anti-Islam slogans.

The website also rails against homosexuality and abortion.

Despite his beliefs about Islam, Jones said: “We’re not Koran experts.” He added that, “I would not consider myself an expert on the Bible.”

Luke Jones, 29, said he and his father are “common people.”

“We’ve not studied the Koran, but we still have an opinion. We’re actually not educated. We’re common people,” said the son, who also is a pastor at the church.

Terry Jones said he has received a death threat, prior to the killings Friday, which has made him “very cautious” but “not fearful.”

Luke Jones, who is licensed to carry a gun, said he is married and has two children and has made preparations for his grandparents to take care of his family in the event that he should die.

“It worries us,” he said of the threat, “but our convictions are too strong.”

Luke Jones said the church should not be held accountable for the killings.

“It’s horrible, it’s tragic, it’s definitely not on our hands,” he said. “We did not promote violence or killing, we simply burned a book.”

He added: “None of us desire to die. A lot of people hate us, a lot of people don’t understand us. I have children. I don’t want them to deal with this their entire life.”

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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3 Responses to Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths

  1. Excellent site sincerely, Sharyl Stred

  2. GhostRider says:

    As for the preacher, it might serve him, his congregation and other Christians well, if he would concentrate on saving souls as that is what a church, a preacher, a minister is for.
    As for the Muslims, and I’m glad that there are billions more like me out there and Blogalot puts it best: one can pray, forgive and go on with trying to convince the world that Islam is a religion of peace or you can continue with your unjustified killing of innocent people and remove all doubt about the character of your religion’s followers.

    Now we wait for the next idiotic act by each side of this debate. One can pray, forgive and go on with trying to convince the world that Islam is a religion of peace or you can continue with your unjustified killing of innocent people and remove all doubt about the character of your religion’s followers.

  3. Pingback: Avenge The Burning Of An Inanimate Object | Gadaboutblogalot's Blog

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