Personally I have no problems with the burning of the Quran, or the Bible for that matter, as there is no doubt in my mind that there would have been a great deal less suffering in this world during the past two thousand years had these so-called “holy books” never been in print. But of course, I do understand the ramifications of this pastor’s threats to burn the Quran and realize that it was quite a stupid thing to suggest. Therefore let me be clear, I do not condone the intentions of this man to burn the Quran, although for totally different reasons than most.
While I do believe that this pastor is an idiot on most counts, I concur with him in that not only do Christian churches bow down to political powers when it comes to Islam, as stated in the article, I also believe that our government bows down to Muslims and Islam in general. The people in this country, with politicians at the top of the heap, are so afraid of being labeled as having “Islamophobia,” that they will jump through hoops if asked to do so by some Muslim cleric in order to avoid any negative publicity with regard to the Islamic faith. And let’s face it folks, unless you’re one of these a-holes whose always rooting for the underdog, even if the underdog is someone such as Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer, you’re not exactly enamored with Muslims, and with good reason.
By the way, I’d like to add that the people of this country, including our politicians (who act as if they’re more patriotic than George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc.) seem to be less offended when people burn the flag of the United States of America than when this pastor threatened to burn the Quran. Something is definitely wrong here…
To summarize, I believe that when it comes to religion, people are way too lenient, respectful and politically correct. As Henry Louis Mencken stated: ” We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.” TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press
GAINESVILLE, Florida (AFP) – An evangelical Florida pastor Thursday refused to apologize for having threatened to burn the Koran, and renewed accusations that radical Islam was a “destructive” religion.
Terry Jones, who last week triggered a firestorm of international outrage after he threatened to burn a pile of Korans to mark the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, said his small church would not apologize.
He said the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) had asked him to repent for his proposal to hold an “International Burn a Koran Day.”
“We have no conviction from God to repent. Therefore we have no intention and will not repent for standing up for the gospel,” Jones said in a brief statement to the press.
The WEA, which represents churches in 128 nations and 420 million evangelicals around the world, said it was “saddened” by Jones’s response.
“An apology would have contributed to reducing unacceptable violence triggered in some parts of the globe by his actions,” it said in a statement sent to AFP.
On Saturday Jones said in an interview that his tiny Dove World Outreach Center had dropped its plans to burn some 200 Korans, saying: “We will definitely not burn the Koran, no… Not today, not ever.”
But the radical pastor insisted Thursday that his group had broken no laws. “We have not even burned the Koran. But still violence erupted around the world. This is the face of radical Islam. Violence and to spread fear.”
Jones also hit out at Christian churches in the United States and worldwide, saying “they have lost their guts to stand up for Christianity.
“Instead, they bow down to the political powers, to the false doctrines of nations.”