Rick Santorum wants to ban hard-core pornography

The hypocrisy of it all… Rick Santorum, a die-hard Catholic, vows to fight pornography if elected president. I wonder – if he is so opposed to pornography, why in the world is he a Catholic? There is quite possibly more pornography going on in Catholic churches and schools throughout the globe than in all the “pornography-producing” film studios in the United States; and to top it all off, it’s mostly gay/lesbian and not heterosexual pornography! And we all know how Catholics feel about homosexuals – gay priests and lesbian nuns being the exception of course.

WARNING! If this God-freak is elected president, next thing you know he’ll want to take certain magazines off the bookshelves; then maybe he’ll want to teach Creationism in schools; then maybe he’ll want to ban certain books; then maybe he’ll try to ban free speech, etc., etc. – naturally all in the name of God. Who else?

But hey, isn’t that what religious people are all about? Yes, they’re about CONTROL. Religious zealots want to control the masses by conditioning them to think (and I use the term loosely) as they think. They want us all to become what they in fact are – robots. These people have been so indoctrinated into believing what they believe (and only what they believe) that anything that strays from those rigid “ideas” must be immoral and maybe even evil.

Quite frankly, if not for the fact that I so loathe religious a-holes such as Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann and the like, I would actually pity them for being so damned ignorant and yet so condescending. Imagine that, actually convincing themselves that we need them to show us right from wrong and keep us on the straight and narrow. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: The Ticket

By Dylan Stableford | The Ticket

Rick Santorum wants to put an end to the distribution of pornography in the United States.

“America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography,” Santorum’s official website reads. “Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking.”

The former Pennsylvania senator states that, “as a parent, I am concerned about the widespread distribution of illegal obscene pornography and its profound effects on our culture.”

Santorum criticized the Obama administration for turning “a blind eye … to the scourge of pornography” and for refusing to enforce obscenity laws.

“If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so,” Santorum writes. “While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration.”

Santorum is not the first presidential candidate to take up the obscenity issue. In July, Michele Bachmann signed a pledge vowing her support of a constitutional amendment that, among other things, called for a ban on all pornography. (It also effectively called for a ban on same-sex marriage.)

The Atlantic wonders if Santorum’s wide-scale crackdown on porn could actually work.

The Daily Caller found someone who thinks it could. “If the government wanted to aggressively move against Internet pornography, it could do so,” UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh told the site.

Wonkette’s Rebecca Schoenkopf pointed out it’s just another example of Santorum positioning himself as the extremely conservative choice for president.

“It seems that Rick Santorum has found time in his busy schedule of condemning ‘radical’ women for working outside the home and using birth control, and nagging English-speaking Puerto Ricans to speak English, and now is turning his hot, penetrating gaze to manfolk-bizness,” she wrote.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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7 Responses to Rick Santorum wants to ban hard-core pornography

  1. GhostRider says:

    All you are telling me is that the grass is green, that the sky is blue, or that the moon is round, the typical commentary route skeptics take as they try to stay cemented in their own illusion that they are smarter than all others. Furthermore, your definition of linear thinking is quite correct but, it is also staying inside your own “head”, with your own train of thought, thus not enabling yourself to hear the comments of another or get the much broader picture than the limited perspective of just one owns faculties. My commentary made no attempt to imply any lack of on the Dick’s hypocrisy, or lack of, as my comments, point of view, or train of thoughts, had nothing to do with hypocrisy.

    Having said, I guess I will go on a tangent and focus on the subject you’re on, so as to encompass the broader picture than my own limited perspective allows for, before I myself am charged with linear thinking or worse, hypocrisy. By the way, when you find some time, read up on, “Linear Versus Adaptive Creative Thinking”, it might help you.

    So, forgetting about pornography and its ban – which is what this post is about – and avoiding your panties getting further bunched up, lets take a look at one of your many and sacred pet peeves, hypocrisy. I know it’s the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have. Personally, I find it as annoying when a blogger points out the hypocrisy in presidential candidates, as when some sports fan points out that a quarterback can throw a football. Well, Duuhhh! It’s part of the respective games they play. If you can’t throw a football, don’t try to be a quarterback and if you can’t create the perception that you have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, don’t run for president. A president may really have them, or not, but what the game really calls for is, “creating the perception” that you got them…lying…hypocrisy. Nothing new for me with neither this revelation nor that Catholics have intercourse for pleasure and not just propagating.

    But lest I stay off tangent, let me stay with hypocrisy. According to Dr. Samuel Johnson, a moralist and “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history”, hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches, he wrote…”Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions, without having yet obtained the victory, as a man may be confident of the advantages of a voyage, or a journey, without having courage or industry to undertake it, and may honestly recommend to others, those attempts which he neglects himself.”

    In words any feeble minded person can understand, an alcoholic’s advocating of moderation, for example, would not be considered an act of hypocrisy as who would better know – whether he himself is abstaining or not – the perils of alcohol

    In conclusion, and tying in hypocrisy with the GhostRiders area of expertise, Consciousness, I point out that the worst of hypocrisies belong to the people who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their own nature. Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, within the universe of their own “self.” It is under all circumstances an advantage to be in full possession of one’s personality, otherwise the repressed elements will only crop up as a hindrance elsewhere, not just at some unimportant point, but at the very spot where we are most sensitive. If people can be educated to expand their own consciousness, to see the shadow-side of their own nature clearly, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and love their fellow men better. Hey, I’m for a little less hypocrisy and a little more self-knowledge. We are all too prone to transfer to our fellow man the injustice, the violence, the things we hate and inflict upon our own natures.

    Oh yeah, you know it Buddy Boy, it is time for me to write, -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  2. GhostRider says:

    I have never gotten linear thinking and in this case, I can’t even get the logic you’re using. The moment I got married, that is to say that I received a marriage licence, I became some woman’s “real” husband. Prior to, and in conjunction with the acquisition of the marriage licence, this woman and I had never entered into an agreement of any kind – written or otherwise – that fucking others would be acceptable between us. The moment I had sexual relations with another, and through-out the entire decade we were married, I remained her “real” husband regardless of how many women I fucked. Oh, the curse of being a Type B man! The men that are satisfied with pornography are so lucky – unlike us that are only fulfilled with the real thing…carnal knowledge…any and all chicks that move, with a constant desire for variety. I remained a “real” husband up until the moment the divorce decree was written into an official court docket.

    Regardless of how much Rick the Dick fucks for fun, he remains a “real” Catholic – meaning, “real” Catholics fuck for fun too – the reality being, that he will not be a good Catholic, much as I was not a good husband. Now, he could convert but in the GhostRider’s expert opinion, conversions rarely, if ever, work as we are who we are. And, alas, it is such an empty feeling to blame DNA design. The only solace is arriving to the place, in space and time, where one just doesn’t give a fuck about being judged. Type B man should not marry, most definitively not re-marry, and in some cases, not even create serious relationships – this being the unselfish path. Furthermore, banning hardcore porn will have the same effect as the Embargo Act had on Castro did – none. The GhostRider says, let Type A man have his porn – it’ll keep him off the bed and keep a lot of wives happy as they don’t really want to be fucked by those husbands, anyway.

    -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    • TGO says:

      Linear thinking is logical thinking. Linear means in a straight line, not going off on tangents (which is what you do) – aside from just being altogether totally illogical.

      I don’t quite understand what it is that you don’t understand? So, let me make it clear: Rick Santorum is a world-class HYPOCRITE! A HYPOCRITE! That’s my message, do you get it? He’s a HYPOCRITE; is that simple enough?

      You see, when a person preaches to be a follower of God, or Christ, or Yahweh, or Allah, or some other make-believe entity, then I expect that person to follow the beliefs of the entity he or she worships (logical enough wouldn’t you say?). In Rick Santorum’s case that entity is the Christian God, and the belief-system is Catholicism. Now we all know that Catholics are about as religious as the neighborhood cat; but that’s not the point. The point of my statement is that Rick Santorum is a world-class hypocrite, as are almost all people of faith. And those who are not hypocrites are simply demented for ACTUALLY believing the things they believe.

      Nut hey, if the average Joe is too stupid to see through people such as Rick Santorum, then God bless them…

  3. GhostRider says:

    I stand by my comment, “Type B man, loves the real thing, loves carnal knowledge.” OK, so maybe Rick Santorum lacks TGO’s good looks, and he may even lack the GhostRider’s charm – as I’ve shown, charm alone can get you in – but I never stated that Type B man always got laid for free. I am sure the dick can afford getting laid nightly. -GhostRider Wisdom…you can take that to the bank!

    • TGO says:

      No, if he’s true to this faith, he can’t get laid nightly, even with all the money in the world. In fact, even if his wife was willing to Wacka-Wacka every night (which obviously she wouldn’t – not with him anyway) he wouldn’t do it. Remember, “real” Catholics are only supposed to have intercourse for propagating; not pleasure.

  4. GhostRider says:

    At least the GhostRider now knows what type of a man Santorum is, There are 2 types of man. Type A is the man that loves his porno, just can’t get enough, and is not picky…whether it’s flaccid or rock hard porn he loves his porn – if it wasn’t for Type A males, all those savvy dudes that have made millions, if not billions, peddling porn on the internet since its birth, would be working for a living. I guess he is Type B, a man that loves the real thing, loves carnal knowledge. Like the rooster in a hen house, anything that moves for a Type B man. Built exactly as DNA designed, he don’t need no stinking porn, just a pair of legs to spread. Actually, the White House may be just the place for Santorum as just in my lifetime, two Type Bs have really blossomed there in, Kennedy and Clinton. -GhostRider Wisdom…you can take that to bank!

    • TGO says:

      Yeah, I’ll bet Rick Santorum is a real ladies man, especially with that goofy face of his. He’s such a nerd that he makes Bill Gates look cool.

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